Agilent 6400 Series: Model 6460 (G6460C) Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS System (Refurbished)
The Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quad Mass Spectrometer, Model G6460C is a highly advanced and reliable system designed for demanding applications in pharmaceuticals, clinical research, peptide quantitation, as well as environmental and food safety analysis.
The Agilent G6460C Triple Quad Mass Spectrometer features exceptional sensitivity and specificity, providing accurate and reliable results even at low concentrations. Its advanced ion optics and collision cell technology enable efficient ion transmission and fragmentation, resulting in highly reproducible and precise data. With a scan speed of up to 12,500 Da/s and a mass range of up to 3,000 m/z, this instrument can handle complex samples with ease.
The user-friendly software interface of the Agilent G6460C Triple Quad Mass Spectrometer simplifies method development, data acquisition and analysis, and enables quick and easy creation of custom workflows. Moreover, this system offers unparalleled reliability, with minimal maintenance requirements and a long lifespan, making it a cost-effective investment for any laboratory.
Installation and Starter Kit with all appropriate filters, fittings, tubing, and gas regulators sold separately. Includes 90 Day Warranty. 1 Year Warranty Upgrade Available.
MRM sensitivity Signal-to-Noise ratio:
(S/N) ESI positive; S/N > 10,000:1 Noise 1 × RMS
MRM sensitivity Signal-to-Noise ratio:
(S/N) ESI negative; S/N > 3,000:1 Noise 1 × RMS
Mass range m/z: 5 – 3,000
Polarity switching: 30 ms
Mass resolution (autotune) Full width at half maximum: 0.7 Da
Mass resolution (manual tune) Full width at half maximum: 0.5 Da
Mass accuracy:
0.1 Da from 5 – 1,000 m/z 0.01% from 1,000 – 2,000 m/z 0.02% from 2,000 – 3,000 m/z
Mass stability: < 0.1 Da in 24 h
Dynamic range: > 6.0 × 106
Scan modes: MS scan, MS/MS product ion scan, MRM, MS/MS neutral loss/gain scan and precursor ion scan, SIM
Maximum scan rate: 12,500 Da/s
Minimum MRM dwell time: 1 ms
MRM transitions: 450 per time segment > 13,500 ion transactions per method
Dynamic MRM transitions: 4,000 ion transitions per method
Triggered MRM transitions: Up to 10 MRM transitions (primary and secondary) for library search and compound confirmation
Collision cell ion clearance: < 1 ms
Time programming:
• Polarity change in time segment
• Scan and SIM or MRM (plus other modes of data collection)
• Dynamic and triggered MRM aligns MRMs with compound retention time
• Solvent divert through calibrant delivery system valve
Wide range of ionization sources:
• Electrospray (ESI)
• APCI source (Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization)
• Multimode source (simultaneous ESI and APCI)
• APPI source (Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization)
Autotune: Automated optimization of ion optics and mass axis calibration in positive and negative ion modes using a proprietary tune solution
Solvent declustering: Countercurrent gas Detector High-energy conversion dynode and high-gain electron multiplier horn
Vacuum system: Two turbomolecular pumps with one mechanical pump
LCMS Method Transfer & Validation
Our comprehensive LCMS method transfer and validation services ensure the reliability and consistency of your analytical results. View the complete analyte list here:
Agilent 6400 Series Model 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS System (Refurbished) is available as a standalone system to connect to your in-house HPLC, or configured with one of our models.
1) Agilent 1260/1290 Infinity LC System
- 1260 K4225A HiP Degasser
- 1260 K1312B Bin Pump
- 1290 K1367E Hip ALS
- 1260 K1330B Thermostat
- 1290 K1316C TCC Clinical Edition
- Peak Genius 3020 Nitrogen Generator
- MS Noise pump enclosure and pump
- Computer pre-loaded with MassHunter Software, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and cables
The 1260/1290 Infinity HPLC System integrated with the Agilent 6460C Triple Quad LC/MS provides highly accurate and reproducible separations, ensuring maximum resolution and peak shape for your compounds of interest. The system has a wide range of advanced features, including a dual-pump design and superior solvent delivery performance.
Recommended Accessories by the Manufacturer:
– Brand New Power Conditioner from NXT
Service Contracts, IQ/OQ, and Preventive Maintenance Contracts Available.
2) Agilent 1260/1290 HPLC
- G7167A MultiSampler
- K1316C Thermostatted Column Compartment (TCC)
- (2) K1312B Bin Pump Clinical Ed.
- G1379B Degasser
- Computer pre-loaded with MassHunter Software, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and cables
The 1260/1290 HPLC system integrated with the Agilent 6460A Triple Quad LC/MS provides highly accurate and reproducible separations, ensuring maximum resolution and peak shape for your compounds of interest. The system has a wide range of advanced features, including a dual-pump design and superior solvent delivery performance.
Recommended Accessories by the Manufacturer:
– Brand New Nitrogen Generators from Peak Scientific or LNI
– Brand New Power Conditioner from NXT
Service Contracts, IQ/OQ, and Preventive Maintenance Contracts Available.
3) Agilent 1260/1290 HPLC
- K1316C Thermostatted Column Compartment (TCC) Clinical Ed.
- K 1367E HiP ALS Clinical Ed.
- (2) K1312B Bin Pump Clinical Ed.
- G4225A HiP Degasser
- Computer pre-loaded with MassHunter Software, mouse, keyboard, monitor, and cables
The 1260/1290 HPLC system integrated with the Agilent 6460C Triple Quad LC/MS provides highly accurate and reproducible separations, ensuring maximum resolution and peak shape for your compounds of interest. The system has a wide range of advanced features, including a dual-pump design and superior solvent delivery performance.
Recommended Accessories by the Manufacturer:
– Brand New Nitrogen Generators from Peak Scientific or LNI
– Brand New Power Conditioner from NXT
Service Contracts, IQ/OQ, and Preventive Maintenance Contracts Available.
You may place order by giving us a call
Catalog Number | Description |
ALT6460C | Agilent Series 6400: Model 6460 LCMS/MS System – Refurbished |