Product Description
The Accutest® ValuPak™ Immunological Fecal Occult Blood Test is a rapid, qualitative, sandwich immunoassay for the determination of fecal occult blood in human stool sample by laboratories or physician offices. It is useful to determine gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding found in a number of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, e.g., diverticulitis, colitis, polyps, and colorectal cancer. This test is recommended for use in 1) routine physical examinations, when hospital patients are first admitted, 2) hospitals monitoring for bleeding in patients, 3) Screening for colorectal cancer or gastrointestinal bleeding from any source.
- An important aid in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer
- Testing more than one sample from different bowel movements improves accuracy and is recommended by the American Cancer Society, since polyps bleed intermittently.
- Immunoassay test specific to human hemoglobin
- High Sensitivity & Specificity
- Cutoff is 50ng hHb/ml
- Extended stability of sample in buffer solution (18 days room temperature/6 months refrigerated)
- No dietary or drug restrictions
- Easy to use collection materials
- Rapid results
- CLIA – waived
- Shelf Life: Twenty-four (24) months, at room temperature (from date of manufacture)
- CPT Codes: 82274QW or G0328QW