John Hopkin’s Testing of CancerSEEK shows Promising Results
Imagine developing a test capable of not only screening for several common types of cancer, but also capable of determining the tumor location. Researchers at John Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center did just this with the creation of the CancerSEEK test. This blood test evaluates levels of eight common cancer proteins as well as circulating DNA, identifying gene mutations. The test screens for ovarian, liver, stomach, pancreatic, esophagus, colorectal, lung, and breast cancers. These conditions together account for over 60% of cancer deaths across the United States. CancerSEEK also screens for 5 cancer types that previously didn’t have a means of early detection.
John Hopkin’s researchers tested over 1,000 patients who had non-metastatic, stages I to III cancer. The findings, recently published in Science magazine, showed promising results and are encouraging a shift in focus from late-stage to early-stage disease research. This should have a positive impact on the reduction of cancer deaths in the future.
New, larger studies are currently in progress with CancerSEEK.
For more information on CancerSEEK and current developments at John Hopkin’s visit their HUB at